Reaxys (1771+) is a database of chemical compound properties, structures and reactions with references to the journal and patent literature of chemistry. The data originates from the Gmelin Handbook of Inorganic Chemistry, the Beilstein Handbuch der Organischen Chemie, inorganic and organic chemistry journals and a Patent Chemistry database. This database is a favorite for the precise way that it searches structures and for the comprehensiveness of the property coverage. Access is restricted to University of Rochester students, faculty, and staff.
Reaxys (Elsevier) contains information that will help you find preparations and specific transformations, experimental substance properties and bioactivity data, and citations to research articles and patents. Reaxys merges the content from three data sources:
Information on structures, reactions, and properties of organic (carbon-based) compounds drawn from journal articles back to the 18th century.
Information on structures and properties of inorganic and metal-organic compounds drawn from journal articles and patents back to the early 19th century.
Patent Chemistry Database
Organic chemistry information drawn from selected English-language chemical patents (US, WO, EP, 1976-). Historical (1869-1980) patent coverage comes from the Beilstein and Gmelin files. This has been expanded to include more Patent Offices, such as Japan, China, Taiwan, South Korea, with the focus on substance and reaction data, patent citation information, Markush substance display, more patent family information and patent classification codes. More ...
Reaxys Help Desk
Tel: US toll-free: +1 (888) 615 4500
Tel: Non toll-free: +1 (314) 523 4900
All electronic library resources, including e-journals, databases, and course reserves, are available to current students, faculty, and staff from off-campus using either your My Account/NetID or VPN access. When you click on the link of a restricted library resource from the libraries' website, you will be prompted to login.